Friday, June 6, 2008

Sell what you have. Lk 18:21-23

The words pierced me like a carefully targeted arrow hitting its mark. Yet, I was neither rich, nor young. Neither was I a ruler. Or was I?

There were some things he’d gotten right, this young man which stood questioning Jesus. Yet, there was more required of him. He ruled. But he lacked the ability to exercise dominion in the arena of marketing.

As a young writer, aspiring to see my articles in print, the revelation flooded my understanding jolting my little world of I-don’t like-to-do-marketing. The words bathed me with new understanding. “Sell what you have.”

It only takes a moment for the higher thoughts of the Lord to penetrate and shatter the hidden secrets of the heart. I, like the rich, young ruler, was holding on to my writing as he did his possessions. With a change of thinking, I pondered the words. “Sell what you have.”

What you have…not what they want.

Sell it! Don’t give it away.

Sell what you have.

You’ve got it, something others need to survive, overcome, endure…succeed.

What have you already written? What have you written that has value? What are you storing up in barns, even building new barns to hold, instead of getting it out into the arena of valued product?

Writer’s, rich with ideas, must accept the challenge Jesus presented to the young ruler. It requires a change of focus from possessor to promoter. From marks to market. From my possession to my responsibility to get the message out.

What could the rich young ruler have done? What can we, rich young writers do?

Accept the challenge and obey the command.

Hear the affirmation in the command. Ponder this for a moment. Jesus told the man, “Sell what you have.” He obviously knew what the man had. According to the young ruler’s response to the Lord, he kept five of the ten commandments. Jesus did not discount the accomplishment. He could just as well have said, “Don’t keep the secret to your success, the ability to keep these commandments, stored away in your own barn. Make this available for public consumption. Feed those who are struggling with that which you have mastered.”

Jesus’ words of command were also words of encouragement. It was an affirmation of the young man’s wealth. I know what you have. Sell it. Get people to make an exchange. At the same time He was also saying, “There are people out there who are willing to pay for what you are storing.”

Think about this for a moment. This is Jesus speaking. He knows who you are and what you have to offer. He knows the needs of the people and he’s standing before you with one simple command. “Sell what you have.”

Package what you have for public consumption. Someone needs it. Someone will buy it….and you will experience new life. Isn’t that the essence of what Jesus said to the man?

Let’s take this a step further. Let’s brainstorm together. What unmerited thinking shackled the rich young ruler? Could it be summed up by saying, “I don’t know how? I don't have the time. I've never done that before.” After all those are some of the excuse we’ve been using isn’t it? I don’t know how to find out who needs this information. I don’t know how to query an editor. I don’t know how to edit the article. I don’t know how….? Fill in the blank yourself. I’m sure you, like myself, have said it enough times to know the refrain by heart.

Here’s a thought to ponder. This ruler was being challenged by the Lord to expand his knowledge base. Yet, he was content to just “possess”. Many in the body of Christ stand at the same threshold. We possess knowledge of the Christian life. We have overcome in several, if not many, arenas. We have some trophies and we sometimes recall the moments of triumph. But have we recorded those victories, the lessons learned and the encouragement for others?

I want to leave you with this thought today. Are you a rich young ruler? Are you secure in your level of accomplishment? Take this challenge today. What truths have you mastered? What area of your life has been transformed. What "food for thought" do you have that others will be nourished by? Write them. Record them and pass them on. They’re valuable and someone will make an exchange (buy) in order to reach the level of success you are basking in today.


Wanza Leftwich, The Gospel Writer said...


This is wonderful. Wow. Awesome. I am speechless. My pastor mentioned the rich young ruler last night. "Sell what you have." That is so cool when you can receive a on time Word from God. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

What a great message and call for response to us as writers, but also to us as Christians to share our faith. Indeed someone does need the benefit of our knowledge and experiences.

Thanks for the reminder!

Lorrie said...

This is a great message for me. I hate marketing my writing - too afraid that I'm wasting my time, that I'll be rejected.

Thank you for this.


Karen said...

Debbie, this is the very part I procrastinate doing: selling my writing. Thanks for a fresh look.

Anonymous said...

One of the most important writings we believers must publish is our story of meeting the living Lord Jesus in the first place and the ensuing transformation of our lives. We don't have a public square where anyone can make speeches to the hurting pagans who work and live around us as did the believers of Acts so we must use print or other media to witness to the Christ Who has touched us. I, personally, pass out hundreds and hundreds of a brief account of my conversion. Autobiographies and biographies of modern saints are waiting to be penned. We can seek the Lord to bankroll such projects.
If anyone would like a copy of my blog post "High Adventure Evangelism," email me at or go to and search the archives for it. Also, for inspiration I would be glad to email you a copy of my testimony which has proved to be an effective tract.

created2bless said...

Debbbie, Thank you so much for this most timely word. Just yesterday I was speaking to God about this very issue. Going to school full time and still caring for so many of my Lhasa puppies, volunteering at the local school and getting involved with Campus Life as well as teaching at the college daycare has proven to be overwhelming most weeks, but I do find strength in God and know His story must be told.

I have so many articles stored in my computer, (yes, in my laptop that crashed and has been in the computer shop for almost two weeks as I pray earnestly nothing has been lost), and I asked the Lord what am I to do with them. I don't have time to write more right now, but were there no words from Him I had penned that were worthy of sharing with others? It was my silent prayer between the Lord and myself...and today He answered through your post.

Thank you so much for listening, obeying, caring and sharing. What a blessing you are!!

Jean said...

Very interesting take.

Thank you,