Saturday, March 15, 2008

Why are things this way?

There is a paradox in this walk of faith that causes some to stop and ask, “Why?”

Why are things this way? Why did you do that? The questions come like arrest warrants, bringing us into a face to face encounter with an authority which can not be resisted. So it was on the day Jesus delivered a hallmark message neatly wrapped with ribbon., “Do you not understand this parable? How then will you understand all the parables?” Mk 4:13

Sitting in a boat just off the shore Jesus declared a parable for all to hear. Yet, not all would hear. His words, his platform, and his instructions drew a line of demarcation. It is worthy of careful observation to hear what he said to create the juxtaposition. “A sower went out to sow.” Purpose is clearly articulated. Someone is gone forth with one single intent, to place seed in the ground which will produce a harvest.

“To you it has been granted.”

Answering the question, “Why?” Jesus led his disciples into the light. Hearing is a gift for those who follow the Lord. It has been granted to you. It’s a pointed remark to a select audience. It was not spoken to, nor over heard by, those who stood on the shore. It was spoken to those who asked for understanding, those who followed Him as He distanced himself from the shore and launched his floating platform into swaying waters.

The sower, in this instance, did not concern himself with those who walked their own way or in their own understanding. He went to great length, however, to bring understanding to those who desired it. At the close of the parable we find the signature of faith. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. Mt 13:9 (KJ)

A qualifying command jostles some out of complacency. Not everyone has ears to hear. Jesus knew it. He addressed it. He tailored his messages to accommodate it. Let those who have hearing ears…hear. An imperative command tempered with a sad acceptance of reality. Not everyone chooses to hear the voice of the good shepherd.

Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. 2 Ti 2:19

The foundation of faith is this. The Lord knows who has ears to hear. He knows to whom it has been granted. He is keenly aware of the distinction between those who gather on the shoreline and those who get in the boat with Him.

How then can you position yourself to hear from the Lord?
1) Answer the call
2) Follow Him
3) Listen to his teaching
4) Ask for understanding

The disciples, in this passage, give us clues in hearing Him. First, and foremost, they were called by Him and answered that call. Ask yourself, Have you fully surrendered to the call? Are you following Him daily? Are you listening for His voice? Are you asking for understanding? Have you made a decision to hear Him?

A wise man will hear and will increase in learning. Pr 1:6 KJ

The disciples inclined their ears to hear Jesus. Their hearts wanted to understand. They leaned not to their own understanding but rather sought to understand as he understood.

“To them it has not been given” Matt 13:9

Jesus spoke of the ability to hear. To his followers he declared “to you it has been granted”. Of the bystanders he spoke, “to them it has not been given”. On this point alone we should pause and reflect. “Do these ears hear?”

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