"As touching the ministering to the saints" II Cor 9:1
Paul, when addressing the Corinthian church on the importance of ministering to the saints, used his pen. It was not a sermon but a letter, not spoken but written to bring understanding. You, like the Corinthians, may have glossed over the gentle rebuke he brought through the written word. "Achaia was ready a year ago."
What was he saying? Simple. You've been putting off what you decided to do last year.When I got that message this morning while studying this passage it caused me to reach for last year's daily planner. I was looking for one thing. What did I make a decision to do last year that I have not done? The discovery brought conviction. The Holy Spirit led me to the truth. I had made a decision to write but circumstances knocked me off balance and diverted me off course. He even goes on to say, "your zeal has provoked many."
Achaia made a decision. The repercussions impacted many others. That's good….but….you have not yet completed what you started. Do you think Paul identified the cause for our dilemma today? Are you saying "ouch" in chorus with me? Am I the only one whose focus he has targeted to adjust? What was Paul's solution to the problem? They've fallen short in completing what was started a year ago. It was a letter ….a written notice, reminder if you will, that he and others were positioning themselves as accountability partners for the endeavors the Corinthian church determined to complete.
Is that not a double edged sword? Is it not a bitter-sweet revelation. Is it not bitter tasting to be reminded you have not done what you said you would do? Yet, at the same time he applauds them. Doesn't his letter cause you to hear his own confidence in their integrity? Is that not sweet? Paul readily saw the enemy's device. They made a decision but for what ever reason it was de-railed. Paul wrote purposefully to get the decision train back on track. Isn't that what you've been waiting for as well? Someone to help you see where you've been derailed and help you get back on track? Paul admonished them. Stay the course. Finish the work. It's in you.
Based on Paul's actions I have to believe he knew the root of the problem. Many people see the problem but offer no relief in seeing it resolved. Paul was not one of those. He backed up his letter and support of those in Achaia with substance. "I have sent the brethren……that you may be ready." (vs3)Paul identified the problem, wrote it, then sent reinforcements. Isn't that exactly what you have been needing? Isn't that the real reason why it's not finished? There's been no coach, no mentor, no one to bounce things off of. Isn't the reason you gradually lost interest in the project was it was so lonely being on the cutting edge. Doing what others never thought about doing. Haven't you often cried in secret, "I just need to know someone on this planet believes I can finish this."
We watch others lead normal lives. But writers lead a life that is far from normal. It requires huge blocks of time carved out of normality. It requires focus, sharp focus and the ability to touch the hearts of many. How can you expect to touch the hearts of the masses when your own heart needs a touch? Paul seemed to have a handle on the dilemma. He first sent a written letter. Then he sent brethren, someone who could identify with the intent."I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren." Wouldn't you just love to receive a letter from someone who has identified the cause of procrastination and was willing, of his own accord, to help you over the bumps in the road? Isn't that what each of us as writers really need? Someone who can help us stay focused. Someone who will remind us…..people are waiting, in urgent need, of that which you started last year.
Paul realized the need of the recipient and the donor (in your case the reader and the writer). He volunteered a two-fold solution. He sent a personal letter then he sent personal trainers.My prayer for you as writers today. Heavenly Father we acknowledge our failures to complete that which we told you last year we would do. We make no excuses for the delay. Our hearts embrace the conviction. We look now to the hills from whence cometh our help. We have tried so tirelessly to finish this project in our own strength, with our own resources and determination. But the truth is we need encouragement.
We who write to impact others need others to come along side us and hold up our hands. Send the brethren to us Lord that you know can help us adjust focus, get back on track and finish the work. As Paul commissioned laborers into this field specifically for bringing closure to a project that was overdue send us the help we need to meet the deadlines. Send those whose very presence reminds us, "I was sent to you ….to help you complete the work…fulfill your assignment and to see that those in dire need of your ministry receive it. In closing. Have you considered the cause in the delay could be …like those in Achaia….you lost sight of the urgency? Writer's who intend to speak into the lives of others can not afford to become complacent. There is an urgent need at hand. Complete the work and send it. Find someone who is struggling today and write to them. Know that your written words like Paul's will bring a speedy solution. Make a difference in someone's life today. Write a letter. Write an article. Write a note. Then send it and expect the miraculous.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
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